[argobots-discuss] ULT scheduler switching to Tasklet

POLYKARPOS THOMADAKIS pthom001 at odu.edu
Thu Dec 6 16:16:28 CST 2018


I have observed the following behavior when I have a custom scheduler that
runs a Tasklet:

I retrieve the type of the scheduler before I run the Tasklet unit popped
from the argobots pool and it is ULT which is what expected.
The scheduler runs the Tasklet, and after it's done I retrieve its type
again and it has changed to Tasklet which is unexpected.

This seems a bit weird for me and I would like to know whether this shall
be the functionality.
I also checked against an older version of argobots and I found out that
this is not happening there.

Specifically, in version 1.0a1 the function ABTI_xstream_schedule_task
the state of current thread/task and recovers it after it's done executing
the Tasklet. This is removed in current version.

Thank you for your time,
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