[argobots-discuss] Argobots ABT_eventual_set too slow

Houjun Tang htang4 at lbl.gov
Fri Apr 19 14:56:09 CDT 2019


I'm using Argobots as the engine for executing asynchronous I/O operations
in the background of an HDF5 application, but found it to be slow in some
operations. With profiling, the slowdown comes mostly from
*ABT_eventual_set*. Below is a boxplot of the ABT_eventual_set time
(measured by calling gettimeofday before and after it) from 385 operations,
running with one process and one Argobots thread. The *_fn are different
functions executed by Argobots. In most cases it's below 0.1s, but there
are several cases that are taking more than 0.25 seconds. As these HDF5
operations take less than 0.1 seconds, the overhead of ABT_eventual_set
becomes dominant.

Any idea what could have caused this?

Houjun Tang

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